
Meta Therapy involves making invisible micro-perforations in the skin in a painless way. As a result, the skin shifts its natural repair mechanism into a high gear and starts producing collagen and elastin to repair the micro-perforations. The self-repairing property of the skin is a 100% natural form of skin renewal from the inside out.

Dermatude Meta Therapy

Dermatude Meta Therapy combines the benefits of several skin rejuvenation methods in one 100% natural technique for:

  • Anti-ageing
  • Rejuvenation
  • Hydration
  • Restoration

Meta Therapy can slow the skin ageing process considerably and signs of ageing can be visibly reduced.

The Anti-Ageing Formula

Meta Therapy involves making invisible micro-perforations in the skin in a painless way. As a result, the skin shifts its natural repair mechanism into a high gear and starts producing collagen and elastin to repair the micro-perforations. The self-repairing property of the skin is a 100% natural form of skin renewal from the inside out.

Your skin becomes firmer and regains its elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles are visibly reduced, pores become finer, circulation is stimulated and the overall condition of the skin improves. Meta Therapy helps re-activate what your skin has lost over time by turning back the biological clock in a 100% natural way, giving your face a fresher and younger look.


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