Kaiamea – Energy Balancing

Kaiamea Therapy is for personal self development and increased self awareness. To help free up and improve your energy for optimum health and vitality. Do you want to change or are you simply satisfied with talking about it? It is time for us to take responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions.


Kaiamea Therapy is for personal self development and increased self awareness. To help free up and improve your energy for optimum health and vitality. Do you want to change or are you simply satisfied with talking about it? It is time for us to take responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions.

Working with Kaiamea brings inner peace and contentment. Negative thoughts and emotions are recognised and rebalanced, so not to become that ‘bottled’ up anger and frustration which can lead to stress and anxiety. Kaiamea Therapy involves high vibrational energy work in the human aura or energy system.

Benefits of Kaiamea:

  • Self-Empowerment and inner peace
  • Eases tension and stress
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Reduces emotional trauma
  • Removes physical pain and stiffness
  • Breaks through addictions and negative behaviour patterns


There are various energy healing therapies that are aimed at restoring energy body balance. These include Pranic healing, Reiki healing, Therapeutic Touch and Chakra healing. In each energy healing therapy, the energy healers seek to restore harmony and energy balance in the person’s energy system. This in turn enhances the person’s body’s ability to self-heal through natural healing.

The chakra’s is a power heart, and there are several chakras in our bodies. There are seven large or primary chakras situated from the pedestal of the spine to the top of the head, and about a hundred small or secondary chakras located along the body on each side. The primary chakras greatly affect health and keeping the energy flows through them well-balanced greatly contributes to good health. Each chakra has its own unique vibration when in its balanced state. Thus, when it gets out of balance, energy balancing can be done by use of crystals, sounds and colours as these have their own vibrations or vibrational resonance. If the correct one is used, the chakra can be restored to its correct vibration, and energy balancing is thus achieved. As indicated above, this energy balancing helps to restore the patient to wellness.


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